Friday, January 23, 2009


What's your word?

I follow a blog by one of my favorite scrapbookers, Ali Edwards ( Every year, she suggests finding a word that best encompasses who you will be, want to be, strive to be for the new year. For instance, some people on there have picked "patience," "nurture," "balance."

I think there is a very intrinsic value to consciously picking a word that you want to BE, and sharing it with others to help hold yourself accountable. As soon as I heard the idea, I took the process seriously. I have been struggling for three weeks now to choose my word. Chad and I have had lengthy discussions about what I should pick (he really does humor me!). I had it narrowed down to "play" (because I wish I would relax and enjoy the kids more than I do), and "blessed," because I really want to just enjoy what I have and realize how lucky I am. But neither of those was absolutely THE word.

And then...I started freaking out about money. And worrying. And I was talking to my mom, and I told her I needed to "spend less, eat less, and own less." And that was my epiphany. My word is less!

So that's my goal for this year, and I'm writing it here to help hold myself accountable. I started with spending less (one day down!), and next up is owning less. I've been in the mood to have a major purge for months, so that one shouldn't be too bad. Eating less, well...I love my food, but I'm vowing to work on it!

Well, what's your word?


Snips And Snails and Piggy Tails said...

I think this is a great word!!!! We should all take that attitude and I think it would simplify our lives a lot. Hopefully it won't mean you will talk "less" to me, or spend "less" time with me, then I wouldn't be all for you having "less" as your word :)

Anonymous said...
