Five things I am loving about Griffin right now:
1) He tries so hard to be a big helper, especially if he can do something without my even asking and surprising me (like cleaning up a mess Cooper made while I'm out of the room)
2) He is such a big boy now! This makes me sad too, of course, but lately I catch myself shocked by just how grown up he's getting. We took the training wheels off of his bike this week, although he can't do it by himself yet!
3) He is trying so hard to be a sports fan (and I think it's working!). We are huge into March Madness around here, especially with Duke still in it. And Griffin has really gotten into rooting with us. He asks who the "good guys" are, and then cheers his little heart out, often using pom poms. We were pulling for fellow ACC team Maryland the other day, who came thisclose to a miraculous comeback. When they lost, he got so distraught he started to cry and had to run up to his room for awhile! Poor baby!
4) He's totally comfortable doing nerdy things. Take, for instance, the trip to Target we made the other day wearing his Clone Trooper costume. Awesome!
5) He's learning so much, so fast. We play Dinosaur War all the time, and it has helped tremendously with his number recognition and simple math. He's starting to really take an interest in learning to read too, and I think he finally has the motivation to learn. I loved school and I really want my kids to love it too. Even though he complains some days about having to go, especially if Cooper doesn't have to, he has a blast everyday and does so well at school. I can't believe my baby is going to kindergarten next year!
Five things I am loving about Cooper right now...
1) He is totally into the Wiggles right now, and while I am tired of them, his love for them is pretty darn cute to watch. His favorite joke right now is to pretend to be asleep, so we can all yell, "Wake up Cooper!" (like they do for Jeff-obviously you are all huge Wiggles fans and already got that reference!)
2) He loves to wear pairs of my sunglasses everywhere he goes. He eats lunch in them, wears them in the rain...cute!
3) He has an unbelievable knowledge of trucks and construction equipment, given that we don't really tell him the specific names. I'm not sure where he got that info, but he cracks me up..."Oh, skid steer! Oh, bulldozer! Oh, excavator!" The way he says excavator makes it even cuter!
4) As evidenced above, the way he says, "Oh!" whenever you surprise him is hysterical. He has awesome reactions.
5) He is a total mama's boy, and I don't ever want that to change. He still loves to snuggle with me, still likes me best of all. Only recently he won't let me sing to him after we read, before he lays down for bed, and it breaks my heart! But at least I'm still his favorite!
What are 5 things you are loving about your kids today?
Sweet and Savory Coconut Rice
5 years ago