Thursday, March 19, 2009

First Zoo Trip of the Year

We LOVE the zoo! Aunt Amanda has given us a membership each of the last two Christmases, and we use it all the time. Yesterday, with the weather so beautiful, we decided it would be a great day to visit. We got to see the new brown bear cubs, who are SO cute and super active. This was an especially fun trip because Cooper is really into animals and animal noises right now, and it was the first visit he's been really "into" seeing everything. He was so enraptured by it all.

Did I mention that we love the zoo?

Unexpected Surprises

Let me tell you, a day in early March where you can wear shorts is a very welcome blessing! This was March 10th, and we had a blast playing outside. Sure the next day we needed our winter coats. That's just springtime in Indiana-but I'll take what I can get!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009